In Telegraph you can also place a link to a closed monetized channel in Telegram. How to make a channel private and make money on it - read our article “Closed channel in Telegram: creation, monetization, analytics.” Advertising Similarly, you can launch advertising campaigns and promote a link to an article in Telegraph. For example, you can launch a campaign on VKontakte or through Yandex, invite people, after reading the material, to go to the telegram channel and subscribe. The advertising channel can be found on the exchange. What they are and which ones should be used can be found in our article.
Advertising exchanges in Telegram: top, advantages, nuances, document flow.” You can learn more about how to attract clients and new audiences to your channel in the free course “How to attract clients from Telegram and make money.” In a short course you will be taught how Web Development Services to write posts like this: so that you can read and expect new materials, they will show you how to use chatbots and how to use them in a channel of any type. And then they will show you how to completely move to Telegram and earn money only in it.

A few secrets of formatting articles in Telegraph To make your articles informative and attractive, we suggest following some secrets of formatting articles in Telegraph. Use headings and subheadings. They will help break the text into logical blocks and make it more readable. Add links to information sources. If you use quotes or data from other sources, it is better to add links to these materials. This will help your readers check the facts and learn more about the topic, as well as ensure the honesty of the article. Make a list. If the information can be put into a list, be sure to use it.