The content generated by the user becomes important Thecontent created by the followers of a brand generates an attractive and robustinteraction between the community and the company. Therefore, in addition toasking for testimonials from your clients, you can ask them to help yournetwork strategy through content generated by them (User-generated content orUGC). You can do it through a specific hashtag. In fact, some examples of UGCare: A public comment from a follower. Images or videos created by users.Although on many occasions, these contents are created from contests of brands.A post, paid or not, of any blogger. Digital reviews of services or products ofa brand. With everything, now that you know the trends in social networks for2019, you just need to adapt. There are many ways to do it, but you can startby gaining presence in them through Social Ads. In Antevenio, we can help youget your best conversion rates through segmented ads.
What is experiential marketing? June 25, 2019 Antevenio Germany Email List Digital Marketing Did you like our post? 5/5 - (1 vote) Marketing experientialIn present times, marketing is focused on the client. His/her satisfaction isthe focus for any company that wants to have a real impact on its users. A goodrelationship with the customer is essential to generate an experience thatcreated a relationship between the brand and the user through emotions. Andthis is the basis of experiential marketing. To simply transmit the message tousers is to remain on the surface of marketing. Brands need to go further or,otherwise, they will not get customers. That is why brands seek to connect withcustomers and try to offer a good experience, using emotions and feelings as anessential basis of communication.

What is experiential marketing? To understand exactly whatexperiential marketing is, also known as emotional marketing, it is necessaryto begin with traditional marketing. A way to communicate and sell that hasalways been based on the product itself, of which aspects such as quality,benefits for the users, or differentiating characteristics are highlighted.However, experiential marketing places the customer at the center. The focus ison the experiences the customer can acquire with the brand during the salesprocess, or in the process of using the product that is being shown him/her. Wecan say that, when a customer chooses a product or service thanks toexperiential marketing, the choice is marked by the experiences that can beachieved through its use, and not so much for the benefits offered by theproduct itself.