Guide to e-books: how to choose a topic, design and promoteIrina Sun July 12, 2023 2,273 EBook In the age of short videos and memes,e-books remain relevant. There are topics that require immersion. Invite usersto comfortably understand the issue: with the help of well-designed, structuredand visual content. And in gratitude, you will receive contacts of potentialclients and links from authoritative sources. Irina Sun 8 years in content. Iwent from being an ordinary copywriter with a rate of 10 rubles. 1000 zbp to apartner in the multilingual editions of Contentim and iGaming Text Lab. Fromscratch, she formed highly specialized teams for 500+ content projects inniches: finance and investment, trading, gambling and betting, IT, e-commerce.Favorite part of the job: Hiring, training and professional development ofcopywriters, editors, proofreaders and editors-in-chief.
Author of educational products and training canada b2c email list materialsContentim Education. Companies create e-books to show off their knowledge,reinforce their expert status, and gather contacts with potential clients. Inblogs, the format ranks third in popularity after information articles and newsreviews. This often happens. The brand publishes many articles on a certaintopic, then combines them, supplements them and processes them into a detailede-book. Then he offers to download it in exchange for contacts - he receives aneffective lead magnet. We will tell you how to create an e-book that isattractive to your target audience in this guide. Content Features of thee-book Examples of e-books How to make an e-book Choosing a topic for an e-bookStructure of the e-book E-book design Tools for creating an eBook.

E-book promotion Landing and advertising Promo on thewebsite Promo on external sites Features of the e-book An electronic book(ebook) is a longread at maximum speed. These two formats have a lot in common:accessible presentation in an informational style; division into blocks forconvenient scanning; a lot of visual content for clarity and retention ofattention; detailed information, consideration of the issue from all sides. Themain difference is in volume. It is difficult for a user to get through anarticle with dozens of scrolls. For a book, this amount of text is the norm.You can stretch the reading over several approaches. There are also differencesin presentation. Longreads are usually published in the public domain directlyon the website. E-books are closed and distributed as PDF files. The workingmechanism of these content formats is also different.