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For more information visit Digital Marketing Best budget GPS tracker price in Bangladesh and ECommerce Become Two Areas of Focus for Businesses Eva Maria Rodriguez Digital Marketing and ECommerce Become Two Areas of Focus for Businesses and Has Become Two centers of concern for businesses . That ’s why a CEO led roundtable was a central theme at the annual Digital Marketing Expo. The event was hosted by the President , CEO , and Marketing and Communications . Director Hosted Focusing on customers and providing a beneficial experience in their consumption Digital marketing and ecommerce have become a focus for businesses due to the steady growth in the number of Internet users .

that more than , people worldwide are now connected to the internet means that the world as we know it has fundamentally changed due to new technologies . Consumers now have the power to decide. Three of the top female leaders in the space discuss their impact on ecommerce companies Hosted by CEO Leaders Attendees included the as well as the CEO of Marketing and Communications Directors at the start of the debate The Times said there are three anachronisms : to the Internet, people don’t have a free press , and Google knows more about any product than the manufacturer does.