Those that assign points exchangeable for other products orservices. Those who offer a discount or special promotion to perform thedetermined action. Affiliates working in search engines (Pay per click, PPC):In this case affiliates provide qualified traffic to merchants by buying wordsor phrases in search engines such as Google or Yahoo. E-mail marketingdatabases: Consists of the transfer of data from registered users who areinterested in a matter related to the product offered by the merchant. Theadvertiser must know well the specific public and the type of customer so thatthe affiliate can make better use of its database. The most commonly used typeof commission is the cost per thousand impressions (CPM).
Co-registration databases: Users who are WhatsApp Mobile Number List interested in theproducts or services of several companies can subscribe to the newsletter of anaffiliate. The user expressly consents that their data may be sent to anadvertiser in a particular sector in which the user is interested. Affiliationnetworks: Affiliation networks arise to regulate the relations betweenadvertisers and affiliates. These networks act as intermediaries betweenthousands of advertisers and affiliates in addition to providing the tools fortracking sales directed from the page of an affiliate. Advantages anddisadvantages of affiliate marketing Like any type of digital marketing,affiliate marketing has its benefits for both advertisers and media, but thereare also disadvantages to it.

Advantages The main advantage, from the point of view ofonline media, is that you don’t have to create a product or devise a service.Also, you don’t have to worry about offering customer service. All this will bethe responsibility of the company which you derive the traffic to. On the otherhand, if you are a brand looking for affiliates, one of the main advantages isthat the sales of your company can grow with economic investment thanks toexternal people. It’s not a fixed cost and, what is even more interesting, itcan help you get brand ambassadors. On the other hand, with affiliatemarketing, it’s also possible to reach the audience you’re really interestedin, which results in a higher return. This will be the case as long as you payspecial attention to the media in which your brand will appear.